Friends of Jurong Lake Gardens
Jurong Lake Gardens is Singapore’s national gardens in the heartlands. It is a people’s garden, where spaces are landscaped and created for families and the community to come together.
The Friends of Jurong Lake Gardens (FoJLG) strives to deepen community stewardship in our Gardens. Gathering people who love nature together to promote gardening, sustainability, conservation and healthy living with us.
Our Garden is growing, and we would like to gather individuals, schools and organisations to join us to build a garden by the community, for the community. Join our modern day kampung where the community can gather, bond, and create shared memories.
Email us if you would like to find out how you can play a part as a Friend of JLG!

FoJLG edible gardeners learning and sharing gardening know-how

FoJLG nature guides in action

FoJLG nursery management team propagating plants

FoJLG composters turning waste into nutrient-rich compost